
Read our news and blog articles for advice, partnerships updates and insights on how to incorporate inclusivity into your business.

Accessible Somerset

‘Accessible Somerset’ is an ambitious project which will ask disabled people how their life could be improved in many areas. Please have your say in making Somerset more accessible – your input is highly valuable in contributing to change.


Real stories from WAIT members

News Archive Check back soon for more blogs and news....
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Why should you create an inclusive workplace?

It’s all very well saying you should create an inclusive...
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Accessible Somerset – The Importance of Co-Production

We are now a good few months into the Accessible...
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Somerset set to Become More Accessible

A year long project to make Somerset more accessible for...
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How do I make my business more inclusive and accessible?

Around 1.3 billion people experience significant Disability (World Health Organisation)....
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12 Common Access Mistakes

Accessibility and inclusion should be at the forefront of your...
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The Power of Lived Experience

How would you feel if decisions that significantly affect your...
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Launching Disability.Inc. – Our past, present and what the future holds

The business services department of WECIL has recently gained a...
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Our services and whole organisation is user led - this is a key benefit for ensuring that the practices you put in place are the right ones. 

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