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Accessible Somerset – The Importance of Co-Production
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Somerset set to Become More Accessible
A year long project to make Somerset more accessible for disabled people will launch on the 1st April 2023. ‘Accessible Somerset’ is an ambitious project which will ask disabled people how their life could be improved in many areas. The project will begin by working with local disabled people and organisations to help map the areas of need across Somerset. This will help to identify the key areas of focus for the year long project.
Somerset County Council has teamed up with WECIL Ltd to deliver this project. WECIL have been working with both public and private sector organisations since 2016, supporting senior management teams, HR professionals and Equality Diversity and Inclusion officers to create accessible, inclusive environments.
Cllr Adam Dance, Lead Member for Public Health, Equalities and Diversity at Somerset County Council, said: “We are thrilled to be working with The Wecil Trust on this important piece of work. The Trust have a long history of working with disabled people.
“The ambition is that the work will make physical accessibility changes for disabled people in Somerset and will improve people and organisations” understanding of accessibility. “Not everything can be resolved within 12 months, but a lot of small changes can begin to make a big difference.”
WECIL quote: “We are delighted to be working with Somerset Council on this project. We will be supported by WECILs Access and Inclusion Team (WAIT), a group of Disabled people who volunteer their time to improve the quality of life, inclusion and access for all people. Our support ensures organisations meet the requirements of the Equality Act and DDA as a minimum, whilst helping them to develop their understanding of what access means for those with lived experience. ”
If you would like to be involved in the project please contact Kinny Chinangwa or Alison Browning at [email protected].