
Training designed to meet your organisation’s inclusive learning needs.

Graphic illustration of people in training with books and laptops

Understanding Disability Equality

Training designed to meet your organisation's inclusive learning needs.

Whether you need to support a Disabled member of staff, want to improve team knowledge and understanding or have another request, our training is designed around your needs and requirements as an organisation. We help give you the confidence and skills to support your disabled community, including staff, customers and service users.

Accredited Disability Equality Training (DET)

Informative, thought-provoking and forward-thinking, this training will not only help you make the first steps towards becoming a Disability Confident Employer, but support your wider accessibility and inclusion knowledge and understanding.

CPD accredited, our training is part of a standard of training organised and run by Disabled people which we have been delivering since 2016. Centred around lived experience and the Social Model of Disability, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to provide a more inclusive workplace.

Bespoke training for your team or managers

Our bespoke training around inclusion and equality is tailored to the specific needs of you as a business, organisation or local authority.

Delivered through workshops, Q&As and facilitated discussions, we can create a custom training structure to suit you and your team. We work with you to unpick where the gaps in knowledge are, and provide support in these areas to provide thorough and relevant training.

Bespoke training can include: 

  • Neurodivergence
  • Learning difficulties
  • Recruitment
  • Ableism
  • Gender identity

Incorporate our lived experience and advice into your business policies, practice and procedures - from recruitment to your digital profile and your physical premises

Meet our trainers

With our extensive experience in access and inclusion, our lived experience training team will help you learn, understand and improve the accessibility of your organisation and keep lived experience of disability front and centre.

LC has been passionate about disability rights since their teenage years. Through their personal experience of being disabled and feeling part of the Disabled community, they have developed a sharp understanding of the issues we face.

LC is keen to ensure Disabled people’s rights are respected so we can be part of a more equal society. Working as a trainer is an approach which is helpful in catalysing systemic change by giving more organisations the knowledge and self-reflection they need to include Disabled people in the workplace. By facilitating open discussions, we can start to break down barriers.

Additionally, LC is passionate about making individual, measurable differences through helping Disabled people to advocate for themselves.

Amy is a qualified social worker and trainer, with 25 years of experience working alongside disabled people - across both the statutory and voluntary sectors. With a particular passion for autism and neurodiversity, she has focused the last 13 years on delivering training to professionals and parents about the best ways to support autistic adults and young people. As the parent of an autistic 12-year-old she is dedicated to helping autistic people receive the acceptance and celebration that they deserve, and her work is always informed by the voices of autistic people themselves.


Click the arrows and read what other organisations have to say about the impact of our training programmes.

“We wholeheartedly recommend and are proud to work with WECIL to other organisations. We received fantastic staff reviews on the recent EDI Neurodiversity Workshop. We are impressed with the high-quality content and guidance to help improve our services to become more inclusive.”
“The training that our team received from WECIL was great – LC created an environment in which we could discuss complex issues with nuance and understanding. We talked about practicalities and politics and left feeling more confident about making the ongoing changes that we know are needed in Pervasive Media Studio. “
“Having this training brought to my colleagues and myself has made me feel supported. Many of my colleagues have told me that they found the training so valuable. I have already seen changes in the behaviour of some people following it! Thank you again to LC for being so amazing and helping my team learn more about Neurodiversity”

Latest insights


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Our services and whole organisation is user led - this is a key benefit for ensuring that the practices you put in place are the right ones

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